Obama communist
This is hung above my bed
I've been silent about this too long. For the past two weeks, Americans have been whooping it up with cheers over the death of Osama Bin Laden, the guy who convinced Iraq to attack us on 9/11. While I'm happy as a clam that we got rid of this clown, I can't help but be a bit skeptical of the timing. Oblama wants us to think that he went in there by himself and grabbed Bin Laden out of his Pakistan hideout. But everybody knows that it was former President Bush who put in all the work, calculating Bin Laden's position and setting him up to be put down. For all we know, maybe Bush left Osama purposely so that the next president would get the credit. Bush is selfless like that.

But, like I said, the timing of the killing is what makes me question the whole thing. Doesn't it seem convenient that this came a week after Oblama supplied his "real" birth certificate to the nation? The certificate, a flimsy piece of cardboard that I could have prepared in minutes, was instantly rebuffed by any sensible person. I was in grade school too, you know. I made a side business out of fabricating fake birth certificates, supplying my fellow colleagues who were too young to be accepted into the campus Republicans and needed an age boost. I was their man.

And what of his school records? Once King Trump brought up the subject, Oblama cowered into a corner like a frightened pigeon about to get its teeth removed. Then, all of a sudden, we all love the guy because Osama is dead? Give me a break. Obviously, this whole 'killing Osama' issue was just a smokescreen for what really matters; the fact that our president is a dumb foreigner.

But the biggest smokescreen, the king (or should I say fuhrer) of smokescreens, is Oblama's resistance in facing the debt ceiling. Now let's get this straight, the debt ceiling isn't like the glass ceiling. No way, this ceiling is for the boys only. The debt ceiling is the amount our country is able to borrow at a time. Our fearful president wants to raise the debt ceiling so he can borrow money like he was Whimpie craving a hamburger. Don't be fooled people. Osama Bin Laden never actually existed. He was created by the left wing media in order to scare us into raising the debt ceiling. But Rod Pilf isn't going for that junk. I will stauncily refuse to move that ceiling even an eighth of an inch. And I'm showing my solidarity by cutting expenses in my own life. For the next month, Rod Pilf will purchase nothing for his family in order to cut expenses.

Furthermore, I am advocating that Mindwafers cut its expenses to show that we mean business. I'm talking no computers, no notebooks, no long distance calls, no electric bill, nothing; cut, cut, cut. I am formally announcing a grand protest aimed at Mindwafers.com if they fail to adhere to the philosophy of the cut. Don't incur my wrath Mindwafers, I've taken out greater foes in my day.
Paul Ryan
The secret to Ryan's youthful looks? Sucking old people's souls
Sometimes a man (always a man) comes along and changes the face of what we call legislating. He makes it into an art, something transcendent beyond himself and even his country. That's why, this week, I've started the Politician I'd Like to Friend (the PILFy) award. The prestigious honor is designed to award those hot legislators that capture America's attention for the moment and redefine our universe...for the moment. My first PILFy pick was an easy one. No one has shown more courage, more pep, more take-no-prisoners attitude than Wisconsin Rep and Tea Party favorite Paul Ryan. If gumption were a disease, this guy would be infested. And as everyone knows, besides good looks, good PR and a vague populist message, we all look for gumption in our politicos.

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